
The most fundamental type in Pollen is the module. It can be thought of as a singleton class.

Modules implement information hiding and a separation of concerns. This improves code quality and supports reuse.

Relative to other programming languages modules have particular importance in Pollen. This reflects the problem domain. An embedded application is inseperable from its embodiment in hardware. Leds, pins, and other components are better modeled with static singleton classes than with dynamic object instances. Note that classes are also supported in Pollen and are often used for software abstractions (such as Events or Queues) which lack concrete physical embodiment.

A module imports the units it needs and then defines functions and data members. All data is private except for protocol members (which are data members whose type is a protocol). Functions can be public. If the public attribute is not present the function is private.

The top level unit presented to the Pollen translator must be a module.

Modules can define both host and target constructors. The host constructor runs at host time and the target constructor runs after load time object allocation, at entry to the program. Here are the host and target module constructors for MyModule:

      public host MyModule()         { ... }  
      public MyModule()              { ... }  

Module constructors, both host and target, take no parameters and are only called once, by the system. They are public only. The order of execution of constructors is undetermined with one exception - the constructor of the top level module is run after all the others.

Module Examples

The first example belows shows a simple top level module that implements an led blink using a timer.

import pollen.environment as Env 
from Env import StatusLed as Led
from pollen.time import Timer

module Blink {
  host Timer t1 = new Timer(tick)
  Blink() {

  public tick() {
  } {
    t1.start(500, true)               // trigger timer every 500ms                // start the event system

Blink demonstrates the main characteristics of a module:

  1. It has a constructor Blink(). It does not have the attribute host so this is a target module constructor, which means that it runs on the target microcontroller after startup. Module contructors do not have parameters. They are never explicitly called but instead are called by the system, either on startup or during the host phase. If a module constructor is not defined, an empty default is assumed.

  2. It declares a data member, the class reference t1 of type Timer. It is private as all data is private. It is a host data item so it will be initialized during the host phase.

  3. It declares a public function, tick(). Note that a reference to this function is passed to the host constructor of Timer.

  4. It has a function. This is required in every top level module (and there can be only one in an application). This is the startup function which is the entry point to the program.

Modules do not support inheritance but they can implement protocols.

Here is an example module that is implementing a standard integrated circuit bus. This bus (often called ‘eye-squared-see’ or I2C) provides good support for communication with various slow, on-board peripheral devices that are accessed intermittently, while being extremely modest in its hardware resource needs. It is a simple, low-bandwidth, short-distance bus.

After the package statement, that identifies the package, the code begins with import statements, then the module proper begins, with definitions of data and functions. This code can be downloaded if you wish to see the omitted code.

package atmel.atmega
import ATmega328
from ATmega328 import TwoWireInterrupt as TWInterrupt 
import Cpu

module I2C {

  enum Status { OK = 0,  ...  }
  enum BusSpeed { LOW = 0, ...  }
  host bool isMaster = true
  host uint8 busSpeed = BusSpeed.STANDARD  
  host uint8 prescaler = 0
  host uint8 bitrate = 0
  host I2C() {

  I2C() { initialize() }

  public host setMasterMode(uint32 speed) {
    isMaster = true


  public host setSlaveMode(uint32 speed) {
    isMaster = false

  public initialize() { 
      !--- set prescale and bit rate registers ---!  

  public uninitialize() { ... }
  public setBusSpeed(uint8 speed) { ... } 
  public clearBus() { ... }
  public releaseBus() { ... } 
  public resetBus() { ... } 
  public put(uint8 address, uint8 data) { ... }
  i2cISR() { !--- handler code ---!  }


This version of the I2C module is hardcoded for the ATmega328. It is possible with Pollen constructs to make this code fully generic and isolate the ATmega328 dependencies.

In the I2C code contains this import:

 import ATmega328

The bundle containing ATmega328 is atmel. Recall that the Pollen translator is called with a top level module and a set of bundles. The bundles contain packages and in turn packages contain Pollen files. The Pollen translator, to have access to this file, would need to be invoked with the atmel bundle on the command line.

The Pollen file ATmega328.p is a composition which brings together modules implementing cpu, interrupts, gpio pins, and timers, among others. (Information on compositions is here.) The statement import ATmega328 makes all these modules available for import by I2C. The following line selects the specific functionality in ATmega328 which is needed in I2C:

 from ATmega328 import TwoWireInterrupt as TWInterrupt 

This is the other import statement in I2C:

 import Cpu

Cpu is a module in the atmel bundle which contains functions reset(), shutdown(), and wait(), among others, with implementations specific to the atmel platform.

The module definition of I2C contains two enums, Status and BusSpeed. These provide named values to sets of constants. These enums are nested within I2C but an enum can also be the only type in a file. Here is their source.

  enum Status { OK = 0,             // Operation succeeded
                ERROR = 1,          // Unspecified error
                UNSUPPORTED = 2,    // Operation not supported
                NOSLAVE = 3,        // Slave not responding
                BUSBUSY = 4 }       // Communication ongoing on the bus

  enum BusSpeed { LOW = 0,          // 10kHz
                  STANDARD = 1,     // 100kHz
                  FAST = 2,         // 400kHz
                  FASTPLUS = 3 }    // 1MHz

Module I2C has two constructors - one of which is declared with the host attribute and one without. Here is the host constructor:

 host I2C() {

It is executed during the host phase. It sets up the interrupt handler for TWInterrupt so that when a TWInterrupt occurs, the specified handler will be invoked. Note that in the call TWInterrupt.setHandlerOnHost(i2cISR) the passed parameter i2cISR is a function reference. The function name is i2cISR and passing that name as a parameter has the effect of passing a reference to that function.

Here is the target constructor:

 I2C() {

It is called the target constructor because it is the one which is invoked as the application is starting up on target hardware.

Pollen supports directly including C code through injection. In the I2C module the function initialize() uses injected code. Here is the initialize() source:

  public initialize() {

    // Ensure that TWI is not in power reduction
    +{PRR &= ~(1<<PRTWI)}+

    // Set prescale and bit rate registers
    +{TWSR}+ = prescaler
    +{TWBR}+ = bitrate


The code injection blocks in initialize() are initiated by +{ and end with a matching }+. The code between these markers is C code. In this example the injected code consists of register definitions that come from C header files for this target platform. Code injection blocks can be used to include C header files, functions, declarations, statements, and even expressions in Pollen programs. This degree of support for integration with C makes it easy to access the benefits of Pollen in any context where C is used, which includes virtually all embedded software development shops. It is another way in which Pollen supports code reuse. For more details see the section on code injection, which is found here.