
A protocol is a Pollen type that consists of function signatures (no code or data).

Here is the simple protocol which defines handlers:

package pollen.event

protocol HandlerProtocol {



HandlerProtocol contains one function declaration, handler(). It is public (as all protocol function declarations are public). The class Timer uses this protocol (as shown here). Here are some additional characteristics of protocols:

  1. Using the implements clause, a class, module, or composition can implement one or more protocols. This means they must provide implementations for all contained function declarations.
  2. Protocols support single or multiple inheritance via the extends clause. Inheritance means that the inherited function declarations are added to the descendant’s set of declarations.

Protocols can be used as the type of data member declarations. When a data member (declared within the body of a class, module, or composition) has a type which is a protocol, the data member is called a protocol member.

  TimerMilliProtocol HwTimer     // a protocol member 

Protocols have a number of uses in Pollen. The most important in terms of supporting abstraction and code reuse is how protocols and protocol members enable the Proxy Pattern.

Embedded applications often have a high degree of similarity in their code functionality masked by a diversity of lower level differentiation in hardware. Embedded software code tends to be tightly coupled to specific hardware. This is an obstacle to code reuse. Protocols in Pollen enable the separation of interface from implementation so that embedded applications can realize the potential of code reuse.

We will show how the timer implementation (Timer source here) uses the Proxy Pattern to insulate itself from hardware dependencies.

It is the TimerManager module which implements the Proxy Pattern. First TimerMilliProtocol is imported and then TimerManager declares a protocol member HwTimer of that type:

from pollen.hardware import TimerMilliProtocol
import Timer

module TimerManager {

  TimerMilliProtocol HwTimer     // protocol member 

  TimerManager() { }
  host uint8 numMsTimers = 1
  Timer msTimers[numMsTimers] = {null}

  host TimerManager() {  
    numMsTimers = 0

  public host registerTimerOnHost(Timer t) { numMsTimers += 1 }

  public start() {
    if (!HwTimer.isRunning()) {

  public stop() {
    if (HwTimer.isRunning()) {

  public bool isActive()        { /* ... */ }
  public bool addTimer(Timer t) { /* ... */ }
  tickISR()                     { /* the tick event handler */ }


(Some code omitted. TimerManager is in the cloud bundle pollen-core and can be downloaded.)

In TimerManager there is no hardware dependent code. But it is reasonable to assume that some of these methods will have hardware dependencies in their implementation. These include start(), stop(), and isRunning(). Note that these methods call an underlying implementation through the procotol member HwTimer. The protocol member is the proxy.

In Pollen hardware dependent code is bound into the application when protocol members are bound to implementing modules.

In the current example this happens when the protocol member HwTimer is bound to an implementing module. The protocol TimerMilliProtocol is abstract and it can be bound to a variety of hardware implementations. This is an important way in which Pollen supports the separation of interface from implementation.

Here is how HwTimer is bound to an implementing module:

TimerManager.HwTimer := TimerMilliTC1       // protocol member binding

In the statement above, TimerMilliTC1 is a module that implements the TimerMilliProtocol for a specific hardware timer. (In this case the platform supported is atmel.)

The operator := is called the binding operator and it is only used to bind implementing modules to protocol members. The module being bound must implement the specified protocol for the binding to be valid.

Here is source for the protocol TimerMilliProtocol. It is in the pollen-core cloud bundle. This protocol can be implemented by any number of modules which will vary depending on the specific of the hardware timer being supported:

package pollen.hardware

import HandlerProtocol

protocol TimerMilliProtocol {

  host setHandlerOnHost(HandlerProtocol.handler h)

  setHandler(HandlerProtocol.handler h)



  bool isRunning()


Binding this protocol to a timer implementation allows the application to access the hardware dependent code through the protocol member HwTimer. The protocol member is the proxy. Accessing the hardware dependent code through a proxy makes Timer and TimerManager reusable and generic.

The binding of a protocol member to an implementation is static. After a protocol member is bound the binding cannot be changed.

This means that the Proxy Pattern as implemented in Pollen does not have the overhead of dynamic binding, unlike other object oriented languages (whose applications execute in resource rich contexts). In the embedded context the overhead of dynamically binding a proxy to a call (or going through a virtual table to select the method target) is not desireable.

Static binding is suitable for the embedded context in which module implementations correspond to physical hardware. In our example the characteristics and properties of the timer used are static features of the embedded application, not subject to midstream change.

Let us next look at a hardware dependent implementation of the timer protocol. (This code is located in the atmel cloud bundle.)

package atmel.atmega

from pollen.hardware import HandlerProtocol
from pollen.hardware import TimerMilliProtocol
from pollen.hardware import InterruptSourceProtocol

import Cpu

module TimerMilliTC1 implements TimerMilliProtocol {   // implements clause

  InterruptSourceProtocol TimerInterrupt
  host uint16 ticksPerMs = 0
  HandlerProtocol.handler() clientHandler

  host TimerMilliTC1() {
    // Set a millisecond frequency depending on the Cpu frequency
    ticksPerMs = Cpu.getFrequencyOnHost() / (1000)
  TimerMilliTC1() {
    +{TCCR1B}+ = (1 << +{WGM12}+)      // stop the counter, select CTC mode
  public host setHandlerOnHost(HandlerProtocol.handler h) {    
    clientHandler = h
  public setHandler(HandlerProtocol.handler h) {
    clientHandler = h
  public bool isRunning() {
    return (+{TCCR1B}+ & 0x03) > 0
  public start() { /* code omitted */ }
  public stop()  { /* code omitted */ }


Note that this module declares that it implements TimerMilliProtocol on its declaration via the implements clause.

This is the implementation that is bound as a consequence of the module binding statement above. Some code has been included to show an example of hardware dependent code in Pollen. The hardware dependent code has been encapsulated and made modular so that it is available in a general way to any client wanting to use this hardware timer.

The use of +{ and }+ signifies injected C code. The names within +{ and }+ brackets originate in C header files that are provided for this platform. With Pollen you not only can use existing C in your application, you can use it in a structured and reusable way!

Up to this point we still have not seen precisely where the binding of protocol member to implementation happens. If you take a look back at TimerManager you will see that while HwTimer is declared in that module, it is not initialized there. That implies two things:

  1. If that binding does not take place in TimerManager, that means that TimerManager does not have to change when a new timer implementation is desired.

  2. Since the protocol member HwTimer is not assigned in the same module in which it was declared, it must be public, not private.

Both these points are true. The protocol member binding can take place outside of the module that declares the protocol member (usually they are bound in compositions), and protocol members are the only data members who can be public. In fact they default to public.

Use of compositions as the location of protocol binding means that Pollen code can be made generic with hardware dependencies encapsulated. Recall that a composition is a configuration module. (More details here.) It is used to assemble and configure a subsystem. For example, a microcontroller or MCU is a composition of modules representing hardware peripherals. Pollen is designed so that you can locate hardware dependent configurations in a composition and then it is often possible to use other modules without change.

There is a cloud bundle called environments. Compositions in that bundle configure a variety of environments.
(You can download and modify any Pollen code in the cloud and also write your own compositions.) In this example the Uno composition from that bundle is used. It is the configuration composition for the arduino platform.

The protocol member HwTimer is bound in Uno. Here is some code from Uno that shows the binding. We also show the binding of other protocol members and set several configuration values (frequency, baud rate). Note that composition initialization and configuration takes place during the host phase. := PB5
Newsroom.GI := GlobalInterrupts
TimerMilliTC1.TimerInterrupt := Timer1MatchAInterrupt
TimerManager.HwTimer := TimerMilliTC1                   // protocol member binding

The -e option to the cloud compiler allows you to specify a path to an environment composition. That means that you can change the target platform simply by changing an option on the command line. This will be shown below with an example.

Here is a small Pollen program that uses the timer implementation and toggles an Led when the timer ticks. This program also uses the event and led modules in the cloud. Copy this file and paste it into a file named TimerBlink.p to try running the cloud compiler.

import pollen.environment as Env
from Env import Led

from pollen.time import Timer

module TimerBlink {

  host new Timer t1(tick)

  tick() {
  } {
    t1.start(500, true)

The Pollen translator command line shown below will translate this file for the arduino.

Here are descriptions of the options used:

  • -e is the option to specify an environment.
  • -b is the option for bundles. In this case cloud bundles are used which is signified by @ before the bundle name.
  • -t is the option for the toolchain.
  • --mcu is the option for target microcontroller.
  • -o option specifies the path to the output file.

The C compiler output file will have the name TimerBlink-prog.out (or -prog.out in the general case). Note that other tools may run on that file (e.g. objcopy) so what the final executeable name will be depends on the toolchain used.

pollenc                            \
    -o <output path>               \
    -t avr-gcc --mcu atmega328p    \
    -b @pollen-core                \
    -b @atmel                      \
    -b @environments               \
    -e @environments/arduino/Uno   \

The option -h will list the options to the cloud compiler.