
Classes in Pollen are used to implement software abstractions. A Pollen class defines an object with private data and public and private services (or functions).

Classes in Pollen are used to implement software abstractions such as Timers, Events, Queues, Lists and the like. Unlike modules, object instances defined by classes are not singletons. Multiple instances of the same class can exist.

A Pollen class defines an object with private data and public and private services (or functions). Classes in Pollen support abstraction and information hiding and Pollen is an object oriented language. But Pollen is also designed to be highly efficient and in fact to have no overhead above C. For this reason class inheritance is not supported. One implication of class inheritance is that the method invoked in a call can vary with the dynamic type of the invoking object. Dynamically binding the method invocation to the call has a runtime cost which compromises the high degree of efficency that is required in embedded applications and for this reason class inheritance is not supported in Pollen.

Although Pollen classes do not support class inheritance they can implement protocols. (A protocol is an interface type which does not support subtyping.)

Classes have host and target constructors, like modules.

Modules and classes can declare class references. There are no pointers in Pollen. Objects are accessed through references. For a class MyClass, here are two valid declarations of a reference to MyClass. Each form of declaration has identical effect.

host MyClass ref1 = new MyClass()
host new MyClass ref2()

These class references have the attribute host. This means that the initial values for the referenced objects will be calculated in the host phase and the objects themselves will allocated at load time. They are not dynamically allocated.

When dynamic memory allocation implemented it will look like the above declarations except the host attribute will not be present.

Functions are invoked via class references in the manner common to C++ or Java:

Pollen does not support inheritance for classes. Class types must match exactly on assignment:

ref1 = r        // r must have MyClass type

Similarly, if a function takes a MyClass reference parameter, only a class reference of MyClass type is a valid parameter on a call to that function. Subtyping is not supported.This is an advantage in embedded applications because subtyping support requires resources that are in short supply on these systems.

The class below shows how classes are defined. A package statement is followed by imports statements, then the class name (Timer) is specified, followed by the class members (data and functions).

This Timer source code is located in the cloud. It is in the pollen.time package which is contained in the pollen-core cloud bundle.

package pollen.time
from pollen.event import HandlerProtocol as HP    // Timer uses event subsystem
from pollen.event import Event
import TimerManager

class Timer {  

  host Event tickEvent
  bool active = false
  bool periodic = false
  uint16 duration = 0
  uint16 tickCount = 0

  public host Timer(HP.handler h) {   
    @tickEvent = new Event(h)                   // '@' is 'this' pointer.

  public start(uint16 ms, bool repeat) {
    @duration = ms
    @periodic = repeat
    @tickCount = 0    
    @active = true

  public tick() {
    if (@active) {
      if (@tickCount == @duration) {    
        if (@periodic) {
          @tickCount = 0
        } else {
  public stop()          { @active = false }
  public bool isActive() { return @active }
  public fire()          { }


tickEvent, the first data member, has the attribute attribute host. It is initialized in the Timer host constructor so that it will be allocated and initialized statically at load time.

In addition the host constructor registers the new Timer with the TimerManager module:


Each time a timer is registered, the TimerManager is informed and it adjusts its allocation of its internal data structures accordingly. This reflects one of the design goals of Pollen: to enable the software to automatically configure and initialize itself in response to changing requirements. A user can add a timer to their application and not have to touch the TimerManager code. Note that the TimerManager data structures can grow or shrink without requiring dynamic memory allocation, improving software reusability and reliablity.

There are no hardware dependencies in this code despite the fact that timers vary across hardware platforms and this code can be used across various platforms. Pollen has simple and elegant ways to separate hardware details from software implementations, for example through compositions. This makes Pollen code reusable and extensible across varying platforms.

To use the Timer class two things are required:

  1. The Pollen translator invocation must specify the bundle. Specifically the translator must be invoked with -b @pollen-core, where -b is the bundle option and pollen-core is the bundle which contains the Timer.p file. (Note that ‘@’ is used for bundles which reside in the cloud with the Pollen translator.)
  2. The Timer class must be imported:

    from pollen.time import Timer

After these steps, allocating and configuring any number of timers is very easy. The code below is allocating and configuring three timers.

host Timer t1 = new Timer(tick1)
host Timer t2 = new Timer(tick2)
host Timer t3 = new Timer(tick3)

The parameter to the Timer constructor is a handler (a function reference). The handler will be called when the timer has completed a specified time interval. Each of these timers is getting a different handler.

These declarations have the attribute host which means that the Timer host constructor will be called as a result of the new request. As a result, when the application begins execution on the target hardware, the Timer objects will be statically initialized.

Here is the code which starts the timers. Each timer specifies a different interval in milliseconds.

t1.start(250, true)
t2.start(350, true)
t3.start(550, true)